Monday, January 29, 2007
Contest this!
The rules are: send in a picture that shows why the place you live is great. I will be selecting on the basis of charm, bravado, hilarity, and/or (for good measure) poignancy. This does not mean you have to send in a picture of a sign that says 'City of Champs.' Be brave. Be tremendous. Send in as many entries as you like.
The winner will (obviously) get their picture featured on this blog as well as a copy of any book I have talked about here (except Worldchanging, I do not intend to spend my entire tuition on postage) and a personalised handy-dandy reading list that will be good for your soul. You get to pick the book. Reading this blog every day over your granola is not required to enter.
The contest ends Sunday, February 11th at 11.59 Mountain Standard Time. Send your pictures to
Can't remember all the books? Click here.
UPDATE: Deadline extended to 11.59 pm on Wednesday, February 14th. Because we are lovers.
posted by Christopher at 12:51 a.m.

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