Friday, January 26, 2007
The sweet and the bitters
Someone on YouTube has written that Patrick Wolf is a 'unique guy who wears both a belt and suspenders,' and another has described him as 'a ginger bloke sitting at a piano.' He also plays the theramin and the harpsicord. I like to think of him (along with Owen Pallett) as one of the leaders of a brilliant new genre: Wastrel. And so for you I present the video for his newest single, 'Bluebells,' from imminent drop The Magic Position.
As sweet as Patrick Wolf's voice is though, there is trouble in the henhouse. Thomas, who helps run the Padmanadi estaurant down on 97th Street and is one of the kindest, sweetest people in Edmonton, is about to be deported. The story is longer and more sordid than you'd expect for someone who always makes sure to ask how you are when he comes to each and every table to pour the chrysanthemum tea. Read Ross Moroz's article about it in Vue here.

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