Wednesday, September 05, 2007
These are quandries
I started this blog as a way to introduce books I liked to some of my friends who didn't read the news very much. Since I started writing it last May, it's changed quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not averse to this particular rule of the universe. But the amount I was reading last year has dropped off quite a bit since then, and I've been focussing on writing for other media. At the moment I'm reading 活着 (Huozhe), the original version of the novel by Yu Hua that's been translated into English as To Live. I've heard the Zhang Yimou movie adaptation is amazing, but I'm holding off until I'm done the book. This is the first book I've ever tried reading in Chinese, and it's... a slow process, to say the least.
So! This is the part where I tell you, faithful and much-appreciated reader, that The Point isn't going away, but going to be updated less frequently this season than it was last year. I don't like posting content for the sake of posting something new. Short version? Ahead: More books, more thoughts, and unfortunately, more of a wait.
Kanye gives us wicked hooks. I, hopefully, will be giving you more delicious books... to read, instead of the subpar schlock I've churned out lately.
Labels: the point
posted by Christopher at 2:01 a.m.

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