Saturday, August 25, 2007
Out of the West

If you've never had a chance to read The Prairie Wrangler, start wandering through the archives now. Olaf has an amazing talent for taking conventional wisdom in Canadian politics and turning it on its head. There aren't many bloggers this genuinely readable who are writing about interesting, challenging ideas. I don't think it's a coincidence that he is also one of that rare breed of hard-to-categorise Albertan political observers that don't fit onto a narrow Liberal-Conservative spectrum (and frankly, it's a spectrum that should be taken out back and buried quietly anyway). I personally found myself disagreeing frequently with his perspectives on gender equality battles, the remarkable impotence of Stephane Dion's Liberals, and gullible newsish-types who are willing to swallow any press release that agrees with their prejudices. But I always left with something to think about.
I hope a little bit of that remarkable spirit carries through in my own writing. It's a great legacy you've left us, Olaf. Happy trails.
posted by Christopher at 7:09 p.m.

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