Monday, December 01, 2008
Officially on break
Hi guys,
I know it's been an absurdly long time since I've last written a post. I wish I had more time to devote to this thing - I have so much I want to say about the impending ascendency of a coalition government in Canada, about how incredible Obama's election was and what his presidency might hold in store down south, about the amazing books I read this year (oh, how I want to tell you about Cormac McCarthy and The Road before the movie comes out). All the wicked stuff I've been learnig in ecology. The death of Michael Crichton, another of my favourite childhood authors. But I've had to devote my time to other projects this year. Trent's student newspaper, Arthur. The International Development Studies department's conference this February on Food Sovereignty and the Changing Face of Agriculture (catchy, no?). Classes. Life.
The abundant possibilities of human connection still compel me in so many directions. I just don't think I'll be able to explore them on here for a while. Same goes for The Subject Tonight, which I love making, but which I just don't have time to do interviews and editing for right now. I have a few stories in mind for an upcoming episode about Difference, and I'll be keeping them available to download for free for as long as my dwindling bank account can sustain it, don't worry.
It has been a great pleasure speaking with you all here, and I hope to get the opportunity to do so again before long.
Labels: podcasting, the point
posted by Christopher at 10:27 p.m.
i've been wondering what happened to you! i really enjoyed your podcasts, & i do hope you return to this blog & the making of more audio goodness in the (near!) future.
it sounds like you have some delightful projects underway, though... good luck, & take care!
it sounds like you have some delightful projects underway, though... good luck, & take care!
Aww, thanks, Jenanne. You're among the most devoted members of the The Point fan club, and I'm so glad about it. Sadly, I'm not sure who'll be reading when I get a chance to come back to this thing, as most visits these days are from people searching furtively for the word 'sporno.'
I would love to give you more goodies to read and listen to, and I'm going to write a post right now to let you know what I've been up to and what I've been reading and listening to. You might be surprised.
Hope to see you soon!
I would love to give you more goodies to read and listen to, and I'm going to write a post right now to let you know what I've been up to and what I've been reading and listening to. You might be surprised.
Hope to see you soon!

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