Friday, July 11, 2008
Frère fier

My dear friend Aurélie, whom I think I may rightly consider a sister at heart, is from Québec - Québec, the city with the Plains of Abraham and the world's best poutine (Chez Ashton, anybody?), that is. If I recall, my entire experience of the Plains of Abraham, the place where one of the most important battles in Canadian history happened, was watching a few kids toboggan down it and get a facefull of snow at full speed. If I recall correctly.
This month, of course, was the city's 400th anniversary, marking exactly four centuries since Samuel de Champlain (who, incidentally, made his way up the waterways all the way to Peterborough as well) stuck a sharp thing in the dirt and declared it the property of France. I'd say they've come a long way since sharp things in the dirt. And I just wanted everybody to see that Auré represented us Canada World Youthers in the classiest way possible at a ceremony CWY-JCM hosted to mark the occasion with the coolest woman in Canada in attendance, Michaëlle Jean.
That's right, guess who's ear is in that picture. Jealous? Thought so.
posted by Christopher at 11:41 p.m.

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